PostDoc PRO, Duchgang 10, Herbst 2024
The qualification programme for assistant professors, senior scientists & lecturer
The PostDoc PRO-program for Young Scientists, Senior Lecturers and Senior Scientists should enable the optimal development of one's own competence profile towards a professorship.
A specially adapted training offer, which conveys qualifications and key skills in the areas of teaching and supervision skills, employee leadership, communication skills and in the management of projects, should support you on your next career steps. The courses of the Postdoc PRO-program are generally offered in English. Depending on the target group, parts or the entire program may also be held in German.
In the late doctoral and early postdoctoral phases, competencies are increasingly added that concern teaching (teaching competence, supervision competence), project management (project management, conflict management, intercultural competence) and one's own profile in the scientific community (acquisition of third-party funding, networks). Since this phase often coincides with the "rush hour of life" between career and starting a family, the competence of a work-life balance is particularly needed here.
The mandatory part of PostDocPro comprises 6,5 to 7,5 days and extends over a period of twelve months maximum. The programme is divided into a mandatory phase and an elective module phase. The elective modules include the opportunity to learn more about teaching and/or funding consultation and coaching sessions on the subject of project acquisitions, and to acquire a certificate.
Structure PostDoc PRO

Target group
- assistant professors (early or late stage) and non-tenure-track positions
- senior scientists
- senior lecturer
- late praedoc phase/ early postdoc
Participation is voluntary
Participation in PostDoc PRO is voluntary. The 80% rule applies to the completion of the certificate. Regardless of the extent of your employment (full time or half time), the entire programme must be included in the calculation of your working hours. The University of Graz bears the programme costs. You will receive an official confirmation of participation for your successful involvement in the PostDoc-programme.
PostDoc Contents
Basic phase (mandatory)
- Welcome event & Get together
- Gender & Diversity
- Career Training
- Healthy Leadership
- Support networks & contact points for your research and career
- Project Management
- Counselling – research funding, funding advice, project acquisition (2 units to be arranged individually)
- Teaching Skills Development - Teaching portfolio
- Digitalized forms of teaching and learning
- Basics in Didactics – Teaching and Learning in higher Education (EN) oder alternativ Didaktik Basics (Hochschuldidaktik) (DE)
- Get togehter & Graduation
Elective Courses (voluntary offer)
- Protect and exploit your scientific results – an overview of intellectual property rights and exploitation options (Interne Weiterbildung SS)
- Certificate "Teaching in English"
- Konflikt- und Verhandlungsmanagement (GERMAN)
- Career Coaching (contact Ms. Nentwig)
- Leading Teams and Groups
- A sense of presence and natural authority – developing your own leadership style
- Employment Law (Interne Weiterbildung)
- Intrapreneur-/Entrepreneurship
- Mentoring (appointments directly with mentor)
- Support in the habilitation process
- Emotionally challenging research: impacts, coping and proactive interventions to support researchers
The participation of the programm is voluntary. The mandatory part of PostDocPro comprises 6,5 to 7,5 days and extends over a period of twelve months maximum. The programme is divided into a mandatory phase and an elective module phase. The elective modules include the opportunity to learn more about teaching and/or funding consultation and coaching sessions on the subject of project acquisitions, and to acquire a certificate.
Contact PostDoc PROGRAMM
Mag. Bakk. Julia Schneiber
Further information for PostDocs
PostDoc Office Academic Services
The PostDoc Office supports you with information, cournselling or workshops during your scientific career at the University of Graz. Please don't hesitate to contact us for further support.