Interne Weiterbildung & PostDocPRO Elective Course – in English
Employment law & personnel management
The focus and starting point are the provisions of the University Act relevant to personnel law and the University Collective Agreement with examples from practice. After completing the seminar, participants should have a basic understanding of employment law issues that arise frequently at the university. The aim of this seminar is to provide you with a basic overview of important topics of labour and social security law.
- Delimitation of employment contract – free service contract – service contract
- Overview of employment relationships at the university
- University collective agreement/company agreements
- Establishment of an employment relationship with the university/contents of the employment contract
- Provisions on working time
- Absences (rest leave, sick leave etc.)
- Protection provisions under labour law
- Termination of employment
- Basics of social security law
Facts im Überblick
0,5 daysSprache
4 December 2025, 9:00 to 13:00Kosten
€ 0,-Ort
Palais Kottulinsky, Beethovenstraße 9Fristen
Nächster Starttermin
4. Dezember 2025Anmeldeschluss
19. November 2025Target group
Employees of the University of Graz, who have little or no legal training in the field of labour law and would like to deepen their knowledge of the topic.
Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Anmeldeprozess sowie die AGB zur Internen Weiterbildung!
Mag. Daniela Stangl
Mag. Bakk. Julia Schneiber