Elective Course
Exchange with colleagues and experts
Mentoring can thus provide an orientation framework for a scientific career. The exchange with (specialist) colleagues can help to reflect on/consider things that one might not have thought of oneself.
- Exchange with colleagues and experts
- Advice on specific situations and issues
- Building up a network
- Habilitation strategies and teaching assignments
- Networking and exchange of personal experiences
- Providing strategies for selected topics of academic career development
Your preparation for the mentoring
Prepare a question in advance that you would like to work on during the mentoring session. Then send it to your mentor before the agreed appointment. Possible questions can be found below.
? What stumbling blocks/ hurdles can one face on the way to a professorship? Do I aspire to a professorship at all? What docking points/opportunities are there for me outside the university?
? What support options have you taken advantage of on the topic of "YX"? To your knowledge, are there any internal/external agencies that support researchers in this regard?
? What should be taken into account when setting up a scientific network? What should be considered when building a scientific network?
? What was particularly important to you in your career path? et al.
? Which (management) functions/committee work could be helpful for me to positively influence my scientific advancement?
and more…
Consultations are to be arranged individually with our mentors!
The framework as well as the duration is to be agreed upon with your mentor. Your mentor is not subject to any obligation and is not responsible for your (scientific) progress!
experienced colleagues and professors (within its own scientific field)
Contact PostDoc PROGRAMM
Mag. Bakk. Julia Schneiber