Wahlpflicht-Modul der Individualphase I
How to manage and communicate risks in scientific projects
Natural and technical sciences as well as medical progress are developing at a rapid pace. Cutting-edge research is warranted to drive this development. While high-gains are expected, new technologies or methodologies are often associated with certain risks.
In this 2-day seminar, participants are familiarized with the concept of risk and introduced to its assessment and role in scientific projects. Similarly, the participants will be guided to identify chances and possibilities within their projects.
Risk management is a vital part in the conception and communication of research proposals and directly affects their fundability from public as well as private funding agencies. Also, the general public has an increasing interest in research-associated risk communication.
Particularly scientists in the natural and life sciences/health sector or other disciplines are therefore required to communicate research-associated risks not only within their community, but also widely to the public. This seminar therefore aims to equip them with the tools for risk management. Clear communication focused on the respective target group is the basis for this seminar, and strengthens credibility of research and ultimately its fundability.
- Risk identification, assessment and management
- Tool: A 30-minute risk management cycle
- Tool: A 30-minute risk management cycle
- Risk communication in grant writing/to funders
- Risk communication to lay audiences
Facts im Überblick
2 daysSprache
19. and 21. May 2025, each time from 09:00 to 16:00Kosten
€ 0,-Ort
Zentrum für Soziale Kompetenz, Merangasse 12Fristen
Nächster Starttermin
19. Mai 2025Anmeldeschluss
4. Mai 2025Target group
Employees of the University of Graz, especially PhD students, postdocs and project staff who write, manage and/or carry out projects.
Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Anmeldeprozess sowie die AGB zur Internen Weiterbildung!
Dr. Ariane Pessentheiner
Ansprechpartnerin für Inhalte
Mag. Julia Schneiber