Wahlpflicht-Modul der Individualphase I – auf Englisch
Digital Publishing, Research Data Management, and IPR Law
This course is specifically designed to equip early-career researchers with the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel in their research journey. This comprehensive course focuses on three critical areas: publishing practices, research data management, and intellectual property rights (IPR) law. Participants will gain a solid foundation in these key domains, enabling them to conduct ethical, efficient, and impactful research while navigating the complexities of data management, publishing requirements, and IPR regulations.
Facts im Überblick
1 daySprache
8 April 2025, 9:00 to 17:00Kosten
€ 0,-Ort
Zentrum für Soziale Kompetenz, Merangasse 12Fristen
Nächster Starttermin
8. April 2025Anmeldeschluss
24. März 2025Aus den Inhalten
Research data management
By focusing on the topic of research data management, the course equips participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage research data throughout the research lifecycle. Research data management is a critical aspect of contemporary research practices, ensuring that data is collected, organized, stored, and shared in a secure, accessible, and ethical manner. The leading principles throughout this process are the FAIR guidelines, that ensure that the data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
Therefore, this part of the course will focus on the different stages of the research life cycle and provide the participants with general information on:
- planning data driven research
- data acquisition
- data analysis
- storage of research data
- data publication and dissemination
- data reuse
Participants will also learn about how the University of Graz supports research data management.
Publishing and digital publishing
In this part participants will get an overview over different publishing processes, especially about publishing in journals as well as aspects of peer review.
Research, publishing and IPR law
These innovative ways of publishing also entail a number of legal, ethical and technical challenges. This part of the module will focus on practical insights into digital publishing, demonstrate the legal situation of researchers publishing in the digital realm, and introduce participants to various applications of principles of Openness in their own work.
Researchers in a dual role: users and authors
- Introduction to copyright (for research and teaching)
- Rights of the authors: Publishing contracts and collecting societies
- Exceptions to copyright for research and teaching
"Openness" in the publication process:
- individual (open) licensing: Creative Commons
- Open Access - Open Data - Open Science
- Open resources
- Predatory Publishing
Publishing on the WWW
- Researchers as "service providers”
- Duties and responsibilities: Imprint obligation and data protection
| Direktion, Universität Graz |
| Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung |
| Publikationsservices |