Interne Weiterbildung: Lehre und Forschung
Basics in Didactics – Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Termin 2)
Excellent instruction needs excellent instructors! In this course I invite you to explore the world of didactics, reflect on your instruction and expand your teaching skills to make your instruction even better and provide the best learning environment for your students. We work in various interactive settings using a variety of teaching methods ranging from individual reflection to pair work, group activities, discussion, and short theoretical input sessions.
Most university lecturers have learned their teaching skills on the job. These valuable skills can be developed further by engaging with methodology and didactics, exploring new techniques and exchanging experiences with colleagues. This interactive workshop provides teachers in higher education with the tools they need to plan and teach lessons successfully.
AIM: Developing methodology and didactic skills
- Basic principles of learning and teaching
- Fundamental concepts, processes, and methods of academic instruction
- Formulation of learning outcomes
- Methods for student activation
- Individual professional support and collegial exchange
We work in various interactive settings using a variety of teaching methods ranging from individual reflection to pair work, group activities, discussion, and short theoretical input sessions.
Facts im Überblick
1,5 daysSprache
11. February 2025, 9:00 to 16:00 and 12. February 2025, 9:00 to 13:.00Kosten
€ 0,-Ort
Palais Kottulinsky, Beethovenstraße 9Abschlusszertifikat
Confirmation of participationFristen
Nächster Starttermin
11. Februar 2025Anmeldeschluss
27. Jänner 2025Target Group
Instructors of the University of Graz
Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Anmeldeprozess sowie die AGB zur Internen Weiterbildung!
MMag. Dr. Elisabeth Weber
Contact for contents
Mag. Julia Schneiber